New Students Getting Started…
The New Military/Veteran Student Guide below will help you take the necessary steps to jump start your career as a student here at BSU. Military & Veteran Student Services aims to provide assistance with educational/financial benefits including VA benefits. We also provide referrals to the disability resource office and other campus services to assist students.
For more information regarding individual eligibility for these and other educational benefits, please contact the Department of Veteran Affairs Regional Processing Center at 1-800-827-1000 or visit the website at We encourage veterans, dependents, and military students attending BSU to contact us in person or by email with any questions they may have. We can be reached by email at
New Military/Veteran Student Guide
- Complete and submit Transfer Admissions application
If you have not already been accepted to BSU please apply.
JST/CCAF credits will be counted as transfer credits. (Read BSU's Valor Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy)
- Request transcripts from any previously attended colleges be mailed/emailed to:
Office of Admissions
Bridgewater State University
45 Plymouth Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
- Request Military transcript:
Army/Navy/Marines/Coast Guard – (Electronically Submitted)
Community College of the Air Force – (School address below)
Office of Admissions
Bridgewater State University
45 Plymouth Street
Bridgewater, MA 02325
- Meet with Military & Veteran Student Services Counselor:
Military & Veteran Student Services is located in Tillinghast Hall, Room 010, 508.531.2181
Military and Veteran Student Services is committed to assisting the military and veteran community at Bridgewater State University in achieving academic and personal success. Be sure to review the FAQs for answers to common questions. Our External Resources page lists Military and Veteran related links. Stop by our office or contact us to learn more.
Role of Admissions Counselors
Date of original implementation: June 3, 2005
Date of Last Revision: December 10, 2020
Bridgewater State University’s Office of Admissions and/or Transfer Central serves as the first point of contact for prospective students and applicants to the college. They counsel students about Bridgewater State University and how to complete the application process. Transfer counselors are not academic advisors, nor do they participate in any functions related to student registration or assessment, i.e. writing, placement, etc. The Office of Admissions and Transfer Central will refer any applicants/students that identify as Military or Veteran beneficiaries of educational benefits to the Designated Certifying Official for advising, registration, benefit eligibility and financial questions.
As the College meets its enrollment goals, the University will keep the educational interests of all prospective students and the University at the forefront of admissions and recruitment practices. As such, BSU will provide accurate information to assist all prospective students in making informed application and enrollment decisions. This includes information about College admissions, costs and other information that will allow students to determine whether a campus is a “good fit” for them. All admission counselors will abide by local, state and federal laws (e.g., confidentiality and incentive compensation) applicable to the outreach, recruitment and admission practices related to undergraduate outreach, recruitment and admissions will adhere to the guidelines explained in detail below.
- Ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis [defined as "an insignificant amount"] to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of potential students including service members or obtaining access to all federal funds.
- Refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including Department of Defense Tuition Assistance funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.
- Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts including contacts (3 or more) by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing enrollments. Individual Responsible for Revision and Implementation: Dean of Admissions and the Director of Financial Aid.
Recruitment and Enrollment
Owner: Director of Financial Aid & Dean of Admissions
I. Scope and Purpose
Bridgewater State University (BSU) strives to be an institution of high integrity and is committed to ensuring that recruitment and enrollment activities conducted at the university promote such an environment. BSU adopts this policy to ensure compliance with federal laws and regulations. All BSU divisions, departments, schools, officials, faculty, and staff are subject to and must comply with this policy.
Federal law, regulations, and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) prohibit BSU from providing incentive compensation to employees and third parties based, in any part, on their success in securing student enrollments or awarding Title IV, HEA program funds.
II. Definitions
1. A "commission, bonus, or other incentive payment" means a sum of money or something of value, other than a fixed salary or wages, paid to or given to a person or an entity for services rendered.
2. "Securing enrollments or the award of financial aid" means activities that a person or entity engages in at any point in time through completion of an educational program for the purpose of the admission or matriculation of students for any period of time or the award of financial aid to students.
These activities include contact in any form with a prospective student, such as, but not limited to - contact through preadmission or advising activities, scheduling an appointment to visit the enrollment office or any other office of the institution, attendance at such an appointment, or involvement in a prospective student's signing of an enrollment agreement or financial aid application.
These activities do not include making a payment to a third party for the provision of student contact information for prospective students provided that such payment is not based on: (1) any additional conduct or action by the third party or the prospective students, such as participation in preadmission or advising activities, scheduling an appointment to visit the enrollment office or any other office of the institution or attendance at such an appointment, or the signing, or being involved in the signing, of a prospective student's enrollment agreement or financial aid application; or (2) the number of students (calculated at any point in time of an educational program) who apply for enrollment, are awarded financial aid, or are enrolled for any period of time, including through completion of an educational program.
3. "Entity or person engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid" means: (1) with respect to an entity engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid, any institution or organization that undertakes the recruiting or the admitting of students or that makes decisions about and awards Title IV, HEA program funds; and (2) With respect to a person engaged in any student recruitment or admission activity or in making decisions about the award of financial aid, any employee who undertakes recruiting or admitting of students or who makes decisions about and awards Title IV, HEA program funds, and any higher level employee with responsibility for recruitment or admission of students, or making decisions about awarding Title IV, HEA program funds.
4. "Enrollment” means the admission or matriculation of a student into an eligible institution.
5. An "inducement" means any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item have a monetary value or more than a de minimis amount to any individual, entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing forms.
III. Responsibilities
In accordance with federal laws, regulations, and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), BSU prohibits the payment of any commission, bonus, inducement, or other incentive payment based in any part, directly or indirectly, upon success in securing enrollments or awarding financial aid to any persons or entities, engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, decision-making regarding the award of Title IV, HEA program funds. This prohibition shall apply to BSU itself as well as any third-party contractors.
BSU employees and third-party contractors shall refrain from using high-pressure recruitment tactics, such as making multiple (three or more) unsolicited contacts by phone, email, or in-person. UMGC shall also refrain from engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing military enrollments.
Policy has been in place internally for all onboarding since September 2005.